making their first period something to celebrate

Why We Period Party
We've set out to normalize periods and help your newest menstruator kick off menstruation with confidence.
We can all remember our first period. I got mine when I was 11 years old at my sister's soccer tournament. 7th grade was just around the corner and I had recently started experimenting with blue eye shadow. I was at the epicenter of my awkward years. But unlike many girls, I was absolutely overjoyed to start my monthly flow because it meant my mom would throw me a Period Party.
My Period Party was pure celebration. We made homemade t-shirts, went out to eat, played period themed games, and ate exclusively red candy until we were sick. The night allowed me a chance to ask questions and gave all of us at the party an opportunity to be unapologetically ourselves. Getting my period was a time of celebration and excitement. Unfortunately, not many girls can say the same.
Period Parties are a way to normalize periods, celebrate menstruation, restore confidence, spark questions, and build friendships that will see your child through their toughest of times.
At puberty the game changes for girls. Changing bodies lead to eating disorders. Newfound womanhood leads to harmful gender norms. The media teaches that other girls are competitors not allies. And society turns the biological miracle that is menstruation into a place of shame, teaching her to hide her tampon in her sleeve, that periods are dirty, and that talk of this monthly activity is completely forbidden.
We are here to change that.
At their core, Period Parties are a way to normalize periods, celebrate menstruation, restore confidence, spark questions, and build friendships that will see your child through their toughest of times. I am eternally grateful to my mom for throwing me one and for showing me that bleeding is an amazing thing that further proves that we really can do anything.
And that is why we want to bring the Period Party to you. Because let's be honest, getting your period is pretty Bloody Awesome.
~Caitlin McGuire
meet our founder

Caitlin McGuire | Founder
Caitlin is the founder of Bloody Awesome. Growing up in a community where periods were the ultimate source of shame, when she got hers it became her mission to make them cool. From teaching her friends at recess to informing her family of the specifics of each monthly flow, education was at the core of this mission.
While studying gender & women's studies, marketing, and management at UW Madison she began to brainstorm ways to spread this pro-period mindset beyond her circle. In 2021 she decided to take the next step and launch this bloody awesome movement. Today, you can find her reading feminist memoirs, running around the lakes of Minneapolis, and spending time with her niece.